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Shipra Agarwal

Writer. Doctor. Bad Singer.

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In medical college I was taught to quantify patients’ pain on a scale of 1 to 10. That some pains can’t even be acknowledged, let alone weighed and measured, I'd learned long before. As a writer, I like to exhume such buried pains, air out motheaten desires.


My characters usually inhabit small towns of India. Similar to the one I grew up in. At the age of eleven, hot, orange poetry began to pour out of me without warning. Stories started when I studied creative writing at Harvard.


One story from my WIP collection, That Thing We Don't Talk About, has been nominated for the PEN/Robert J. Dau Short Story Prize, 2023. Another was shortlisted for the First Pages Prize, 2022, and was a semifinalist at the IHLR Long Story Contest. My work is published/forthcoming in Witness, Flash Flood, Janus Literary, Bullshit Literary, and an anthology. I am an Authentic Voices Fellow, a SAFTA resident, and a fiction reader at Story.


You can find me hiking and kayaking in Arizona. My worst shows up to karaoke nights (you've been warned). My best shimmers through my words.


Read them here >

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